The room up until this point had always been our "extra crap storage room." It first had this disgusting ancient blue carpet that we tore out pretty much the minute we purchased the house. But what was underneath was this ugly yellow tile. A lot of it was breaking apart so we pulled it all up when we finally got around to getting this room ready.
After Brian touched up any spots on the ceiling walls with mud, we sprayed texture onto them with a hopper. Brian also installed a new closet door and entry door. He replaced the lame light fixture with a ceiling fan.
For the paint scheme I painted the majority of the room white and two walls a very dark navy blue.
We called Empire to install some carpet. I don't know what I was thinking putting carpet in a kids bedroom. Now that he's a toddler it's pretty trashed. :( But I just have always preferred carpet in bedrooms.

Going through the nesting phase of pregnancy I created more projects than there were walls to hang them on for the room.
In my childhood room I had two frames each holding baby pictures of my parents. I decided to do the same for Dean. I hung those on either side of the window.
I had a photo of some street art I love blown up and hung that over the crib.
Pinterest even hooked me into doing a melted crayon "painting" which turned out pretty nice.

Brian and I both had bunnies when we were babies that we still had possession of so I framed those in a shadow box.

I copied an idea I found on of painting roads as Dean's name. I used Brian's childhood micro machines and hot glued them onto the painting.
Lastly, I even went all out and painted and reupholstered a glider chair and ottoman that I bought for $50 off craigslist. You can see that blog here.
It all turned out so cute and very creative :)