Sunday, November 2, 2014

Out Goes the Huge Drain Pipe

So removing this huge drain pipe is the most intense part of our kitchen project.  Our house is on a slab which means, bring out the jack hammer!

Brian spent about two and a half days breaking up all the concrete to get this sucker out.

All Gone!

 Once there was enough access to the pipe, Brian and his dad rerouted it into the wall.  The vent for the drain went up the wall and out the attic and through the roof's old vent hole.

The replacement pipe needed to be wrapped and set properly.  After that, the ultimate test was having the new water supply blasted directly into the pipe to check for leaks.  We ran the water for quite awhile and there was no way a back up was going to happen with how excellent the flow was going.  No leaks of course either.  Success!

 Bye Pipe :)